The Canterbury earthquake series of 2010 and 2011 heightened the need for councils in the Greater Christchurch area to work alongside Government, iwi and others to coordinate and facilitate recovery activity.

Thankfully the extensive strategic planning and engagement that helped develop the UDS provided the foundation for recovery plans and programmes to quickly respond to these new circumstances.

The important role of UDS partner councils and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu was recognised through their identification as strategic partners within the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act (CER Act). To reflect this role, in March 2012, CERA established a local advisory committee, mirroring the UDS governance structure, to support advice being provided by CERA to the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery (CERA).

Immediately after the earthquakes councils, CERA and the Minister responded to the need for additional housing for people relocating from the red-zones by accelerating development of areas already identified for growth.

These initial responses were then integrated within a Land Use Recovery Plan (LURP) that provides greater certainty and direction for ongoing rebuild and recovery activities. It supports and complements the measures for the central city in the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan(external link) and advances many of the key principles set out in the UDS.

Other recovery plans and programmes focussed on economic, social and environmental recovery priorities, some of which are outlined in the our projects section of this website.

Further information is contained on the CERA archive website(external link). CERA was disestablished in April 2016.

Recovering from the earthquakes has entailed hard decisions and its impacts have not been borne equally. Repair and rebuilding work continues to disrupt our everyday lives. However it has also presented Greater Christchurch with opportunities to advance positive changes that will leave a lasting legacy for our city and our communities and leave us better prepared for the future.

As we move into the next phase of recovery, regeneration and planning for the long-term well-being of the community the UDS Partnership, working with new regeneration agencies, continues to demonstrate the collaborative leadership necessary to help deliver the UDS vision for a vibrant, prosperous, thriving and diverse community in the beautiful environment of Greater Christchurch.