Strengths and weaknesses


Land use and housing Business as usual Option A Option B Option C
  • Good choice of housing location, type and section size
  • Uses least amount of land
  • Lowest infrastructure cost
  • Good choice of housing type, location and section size
  • Lower infrastructure cost
  • Some choice of housing location, type and section size
  • Development spreads
  • High infrastructure cost
  • Limited choice of housing location
  • Land cost likely to increase
  • Most development around busy urban centres
  • Uses most land
  • Highest infrastructure cost


Transport Business as usual Option A Option B Option C
  • People able to drive to destinations
  • Smallest congestion increase
  • Smallest increase in travelling times
  • Walking, cycling and public transport practical alternatives to driving
  • Lowest infrastructure cost
  • Good for walking, cycling and public transport around urban centres
  • Public transport to district towns
  • People able to drive to destinations
  • Travelling times get longer with increased congestion
  • Higher cost of travel
  • Limited transport choices outside inner Christchurch
  • Travelling times get longer with increased congestion
  • Biggest increase in congestion
  • Longest travelling times
  • Poor choices for transport
  • Highest roading cost


Community identity Business as usual Option A Option B Option C
  • Established communities retain identity
  • Range and quality of inner city facilities improves
  • Good access for local city residents
  • Range of facilities around urban centres
  • Good access for people living around urban centres
  • Communities retain identities
  • Established communities retain identity
  • Growth may be insufficient to retain facilities (e.g. schools)
  • New subdivisions may not have community facilities
  • Influx of new residents could change community identity
  • Some change in community character around urban centres
  • Spread of growth may result in loss of existing facilities
  • New subdivisions may not have community facilities


Natural environment Business as usual Option A Option B Option C
  • Opportunity to create parks in new developments
  • Least water consumed
  • Best air quality improvement
  • Best response to natural disasters
  • Increased opportunity for regional parks
  • Water use moderate
  • Air quality improves
  • Good response to natural disasters at urban centres
  • Increased opportunity for regional parks
  • Lower risk of damage from natural disaster
  • Higher water demand
  • Slower response to natural disasters in outer lying areas
  • Increased risk from natural disaster
  • Risk to streams and Estuary
  • Potential risk to streams and Estuary unless growth managed
  • Highest water demand
  • Vehicle emissions increase
  • Harder to respond to disasters
  • Greatest impact on landscape