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Health Impact Assessment 2006

Health impact assessment reportUrban design, as detailed in the Draft Urban Development Strategy (UDS) for Greater Christchurch, has a strong influence on community health outcomes.

This Health Impact Assessment (HIA) [PDF, 1.5 MB] was undertaken by the Canterbury District Health Board to measure the likely effects of the UDS growth options on the health and wellbeing of the area's communities.

The HIA findings, which provided certain recommendations on air quality, water quality, social connectedness, housing, transport, and engagement with Māori, will inform the UDS partners as they make their final decisions on the future of their communities in the Greater Christchurch area.

Informed urban design can assist in the reduction of socio-economic inequalities, however, the possibility of urban regenerations increasing social inequality is also real. For optimal health outcomes the UDS must identify and consider the range of health determinants in relation to the whole urban environment. The HIA plays a pivotal role in advising on such health determinants.

Health Impact Assessment Report 2006 [PDF 1.55MB] [PDF, 1.5 MB]

Inquiry By Design Report 2006


This technical document records the spatial planning that was undertaken to deliver the preferred UDS option for growth management as expressed by the community throughout consultation with its representatives.

The report is a record of the Inquiry by Design (IBD) workshops which were held during August and September 2006. This document was an important tool to inform the strategy development, and should be read in conjunction with the Urban Development Strategy.