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2024 news

Charting our course: Greater Christchurch Partnership commits to sustainable growth

Friday 16 February 2024.

Today the Greater Christchurch Partnership Committee received and endorsed the final version of the Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan. It subsequently recommended its partner Councils adopt the Spatial Plan as their overarching strategy for managing growth.

In response to the anticipated growth of 700,000 people or more in the next thirty years, the Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan provides a blueprint that will enable the sub-region to accommodate growth while remaining an attractive place to live, learn, work, visit and invest. Informed by a robust evidence base, rigorous analysis and innovative consultation, the Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan identifies the pathway towards creating prosperous, sustainable, well-functioning and resilient urban environments in the dynamic context of ongoing change. It shows how new houses and businesses can be accommodated in a way that enhances the environment, integrates with transport and other infrastructure provisions, builds greater community resilience against risks to natural hazards, and contributes to a sustainable future for Greater Christchurch for existing communities and future generations.

Collaboratively developed by the Greater Christchurch Partners and our wider government partners[1], informed by widespread public consultation, the Plan identifies major foreseeable opportunities and challenges facing Greater Christchurch, providing an aspirational yet feasible plan to guide its sustainable and prosperous future development.  It provides a collective approach to tackling critical issues that span community, council, and agency boundaries. The Spatial Plan builds on the foundational work of the Greater Christchurch Partnership since 2007, drawing on the past to build a prosperous shared future. 

Over 7,000 people engaged during the development of the plan through the Huihui Mai survey and 358 then submitted on the draft plan. This provided clear signals on ways Greater Christchurch needs to grow to meet the needs of current and future generations and address challenges of population growth, housing affordability and climate change.
Feedback received provided a strong direction from residents on how to tackle some of the big issues facing the city region, such as improving public transport, building in the right places, strengthening climate resilience and restoring the natural environment. There was a high level of support (86%) for intensifying development along key public transport routes.

 The Spatial Plan reflects mana whenua values and priorities through identification of the blue/green network, the preference for a compact urban form and recognition of Māori Land as part of the mapped settlement pattern, including a key direction to ‘Enable the prosperous development of kāinga nohoanga on Māori Land’.

Mana whenua governor, Gail Gordon, says “The focus on provision for sustainable communities, environment, economy and wellbeing outcomes, now and into the future, is consistent with mana whenua intergenerational aspirations of “Mo Tatou, a, mo ka uri a muri ake nei" - For us and our children after us.”

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon says by aligning land use planning and transport in targeted areas, the Plan enables a strategic, intentional approach to accommodating growth. Six priority development areas have been identified as a focus for coordinated action to unlock investment: Rangiora Town Centre and surrounds; Rolleston Town Centre and surrounds; Papanui; Central City; Riccarton; and Hornby.

"Focusing growth along key public transport routes and in and around centres ensures that the projected demand for housing and business space can be met in a way that enables communities and business to thrive”.

Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger says the proposed ‘turn up and go’ mass rapid transit system will provide effective public transport linking people with where they need to go, shaping the city in a way that enables Greater Christchurch to avoid the problems that growth can bring.

“Earmarking a dedicated corridor for mass rapid transport and boosting public transport connections enables us to concentrate growth on areas well-served by transport links. In this way we can avoid the costly retrofitting that many cities are forced to undertake as the population grows”.

Selwyn Mayor Sam Broughton says that the success in capturing the voice of the youth of Greater Christchurch was vital to the development of the Plan, as decisions today will impact young people and generations to come. Climate change resilience, good public transport, a clean and green environment, and drinking water quality emerged as top priorities for the youth of Greater Christchurch.

“Our vibrant youth voice within Greater Christchurch has been an invaluable contribution to the Plan's evolution. Their voice resonated prominently throughout the entire engagement and hearings process. This underscores the significance of forward-thinking decisions, emphasising that choices made today ripple across generations and affirming that every voice matters in crafting our collective future”.

Environment Canterbury Chair Peter Scott says the draft Spatial Plan ensures that growth and development does not come at the expense of the natural environment.

“Our communities reinforced the importance of protecting and improving the environment. By enhancing and expanding the network of waterways and green spaces, the plan will support and benefit biodiversity and ecosystems, provide adaptation to climate change, support primary production, and providing recreational opportunities.”

 [1] The Greater Christchurch Partners include Environment Canterbury, Mana Whenua, Christchurch City Council, Selwyn District Council, Waimakariri District Council, Te Whatu Ora – Waitaha, and the NZ Transport Agency, and the Urban Growth Partners which include Department of Internal Affairs, Kāinga Ora, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.

2023 news

Future-proofing Greater Christchurch: Spatial Plan consultation opens Whakawhanake Kāinga Komiti

16 June 2023.

Consultation starts on Monday 19 June 2023 on a draft plan that provides a blueprint for how population and business growth will be accommodated in Greater Christchurch into the future.

The draft Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan has been developed by the Whakawhanake Kāinga Komiti (Urban Growth Partnership for Greater Christchurch), following strong community input during the Huihui Mai - let’s come together engagement earlier this year.

Minister of Housing Hon Megan Woods, who is a member of the Whakawhanake Kāinga Komiti, says having over 7,000 responses to the Huihui Mai survey has provided clear signals on ways Greater Christchurch needs to grow to meet the needs of current and future generations and address challenges of population growth, housing affordability and climate change.

“The Komiti received a strong direction from residents on how to tackle some of the big issues facing the city region, such as improving public transport, building in the right places, strengthening climate resilience and restoring the natural environment.

“The draft Spatial Plan has built on what the community has said, outlining some keys ways we can future-proof Greater Christchurch for generations to come. The question now being asked of residents is whether the draft Spatial Plan is on the right track?”

The Huihui Mai consultation showed high levels of support (86%) for intensifying development along key public transport routes.

For mana whenua, the plan identifies development of kāinga nohoanga within traditional reserve sites and urban areas as a development priority, and expressly commits that Māori land will not be utilised for infrastructure purposes. Mana whenua governor, Gail Gordon, says both commitments are positive steps forward in the relationship between mana whenua and local and regional councils, as is the explicit recognition of Te Tiriti and rangatiratanga in the plan.

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon says the draft Spatial Plan builds on this direction by identifying six priority development areas, additional to kāinga nohoanga development, for coordinated and focused action to unlock investment. These include the Rangiora Town Centre and surrounds; Rolleston Town Centre and surrounds; Papanui; Central City; Riccarton; and Hornby.

“Focusing future development in and around specific areas means we can plan strategically for growth so there’s good public transport, quality high-density housing, and plenty of green spaces to enjoy,” he says.

Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger says Eastern Christchurch has also been identified as a priority area.

“It’s clear we need to do more to support communities and ecosystems to adapt to the impacts of climate change. This is a major challenge, especially in Eastern Christchurch with its coastal location and low-lying areas.

“Effective partnerships between local and central government, community organisations and businesses will be crucial to building community resilience”.

“We must ensure we work with the local communities to find the right result”.

Selwyn Mayor Sam Broughton says the draft Spatial Plan brings the key partners together to ensure Greater Christchurch is the best place in the world to live, work and play. 

“The community has been clear that they want a planned approach to growth that sets us up for a sustainable and prosperous future. It’s critical local and central government work hand-in-hand with communities to increase our resilience to natural hazards and climate change, and improve access to employment, education and housing” he says.

Environment Canterbury Chair Peter Scott says the draft Spatial Plan has a strong focus on protecting and improving our natural environment.

“Residents told us loud and clear that we need to do more to protect the environment. The Plan prioritises enhancing and expanding our blue-green network which is made up of our waterways and green spaces. As part of this, there is a focus on the use of green belts to protect our natural ecosystems, support agriculture and provide recreational opportunities.”

“While there are lots of challenges ahead of us, there are lots of opportunities too. The Plan sets the direction for future growth, and this consultation is an opportunity for residents to let us know whether we’ve hit the mark.”

The draft Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan is open for submissions from 19 June to 23 July. 

Whakawhanake Kāinga Komiti.

Local Councils, mana whenua, and the Crown set up the Whakawhanake Kāinga Komiti (Urban Growth Partnership for Greater Christchurch), last year (2022) to collectively plan for our future development. The partners include Mana whenua, Environment Canterbury, Christchurch City Council, Selwyn District Council, Waimakariri District Council, Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, and the Crown (led by Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga - Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Kāinga Ora, Te Tari Taiwhenua - Department of Internal Affairs).  

Future-proofing Greater Christchurch: consultation opens in mid-June on the Draft Spatial Plan

A draft plan that outlines how to shape and accommodate future growth in Greater Christchurch will go out for public consultation in mid-June, following feedback from more than 7000 residents.

Greater Christchurch has seen rapid growth over the past 15 years and its population is expected to double within the next 60 years, if not earlier.

The draft Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan proposes a pathway to ensure that development provides more affordable housing, emissions reduction and climate resilience.

It has been developed by the Whakawhanake Kāinga Komiti (Urban Growth Partnership for Greater Christchurch), following strong community input during the Huihui Mai - let’s come together engagement earlier this year.

At today’s meeting, the Komiti approved the draft Spatial Plan for consultation, which will be open for public submissions between mid-June and mid-July.

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Future of Greater Christchurch important to residents

More than 7000 people provided feedback on how to accommodate future growth in Greater Christchurch through the Huihui Mai engagement.

The Whakawhanake Kāinga Komiti (Urban Growth Partnership for Greater Christchurch) asked residents in Christchurch City, Selwyn and Waimakariri for their views on how to tackle important issues related to growth, including a suggested turn-up and go public transport service (Mass Rapid Transit) route during the engagement which ran for six weeks from 23 February 2023.

Whakawhanake Kāinga Komiti Chair Jim Palmer says he is delighted with the response from the community and also the wide representation of participants from Greater Christchurch.

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Funding boost for Greater Christchurch Public Transport Futures

10 March 2023.

Public transport infrastructure work will be accelerated following a $78 million funding injection.

Minister for Transport Michael Wood announced today the funding to boost the Greater Christchurch Public Transport Futures Programme (‘PT Futures’).

“The PT Futures programme helps make Greater Christchurch an even better place to live by reducing carbon emissions with more transport choices. We need to get more people onto public transport, and this announcement is a step in the right direction. The Government’s investment is a win for Greater Christchurch and the environment, and I welcome the opportunity to fast track this work,” Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger says.

“Our transport system plays an important part in shaping the Greater Christchurch area as we grow, enabling movement of people into and around the city and the neighbouring Selwyn and Waimakariri districts.”  

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Greater Christchurch’s future growth – tell us what you think

23 February 2023.

Residents’ views on how Greater Christchurch will develop as its population continues to grow will be at the heart of an ambitious urban growth and transport plan being developed.

The Whakawhanake Kāinga Komiti (Urban Growth Partnership for Greater Christchurch) are inviting people living in Christchurch City, Selwyn and Waimakariri Districts to take part in the discussion to shape where and how their area will grow in the future and how its transport infrastructure can be future-proofed.

The Huihui Mai (let’s come together) engagement opens this week and runs to Sunday, 26 March. It asks if the Partnership’s work on how we accommodate more people and business in Greater Christchurch in the future, while also providing a high quality of life for our people, a thriving economy and protecting our environment, is in line with the community’s aspirations. This work also includes a potential ‘turn up and go’ mass rapid transit system, that both responds to and encourages growth along its route.

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2021 news

Report into housing development capacity in Greater Christchurch released

31 July 2021.

An assessment of Greater Christchurch’s capacity to meet the projected demand for housing over the next 30 years shows it is well-placed to cater for the growth.

The Greater Christchurch Partnership has today released the Housing Development Capacity Assessment [PDF, 2.1 MB] that it has prepared as part of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development requirements.

The assessment covers the territorial authority areas of Christchurch City, Selwyn and Waimakariri and examines whether there is sufficient development capacity to meet the projected increase in demand for housing as the area’s population grows.

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Greater Christchurch Partnership releases Interim Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Report

30 June 2021.

The Greater Christchurch Partnership has released an Interim Report from the team investigating a Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system for Greater Christchurch.

Speaking on behalf of the Partnership, Mayor of Christchurch Lianne Dalziel said the interim results help us understand the feasibility of some mass rapid transit scenarios in the context of long-term population growth, and it has shown that further investigation was warranted.

“The investigation has found that MRT will need to be supported with population and employment growth close to stations along the route,” she said.

“It lends support to work the Partnership has already begun to plan for, such as the development of a Greater Christchurch spatial plan to proactively shape our sub-region.”

On behalf of the Partnership, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and the local councils have been investigating the likely implications of various scenarios for a frequent and high-capacity public transport connection running north to Rangiora and southwest to Rolleston.

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2019 news

Avon Loop redevelopment underway

21 October 2019.

Avon Loop asphalt removal

Work to upgrade the Avon Loop, the section of Oxford Terrace between Kilmore Street and Fitzgerald Avenue, is now underway says Ōtākaro Limited Chief Executive, John Bridgman.

“This is the final section of Oxford Terrace to be redeveloped as part of the Te Papa Ōtākaro/Avon River Precinct Anchor Project, an entirely new pedestrian and cycle-friendly route through the city that puts the focus back on our much-loved river.

“Along with a new smooth, safe pathway that will replace the broken asphalt, the work also includes a new boardwalk and canoe/kayak ramp on the riverbank. The Avon Loop will connect the City Promenade to any future developments in the Residential Red Zone."

Read more(external link)

Integrated Planning Guide (version 3)

Integrated Planning Guide V3 cover

1 October 2019.

The Greater Christchurch Partnership is delighted to endorse this updated Integrated Planning Guide (IPG) [PDF, 3.3 MB], which ultimately aims to achieve more sustainable places, better health outcomes and greater wellbeing for all members of our communities. 

Responding to a need to broaden the focus beyond recovery, the IPG provides a versatile tool to help integrate outcomes thinking relevant to health, wellbeing and sustainability into policy and plan-making.  

The IPG can be used in multiple ways during planning and policy development to assess impacts.  The targeted questions aim to enhance constructive thinking and encourage innovation. This tool can be used as a desk guide right through to being the focus at stakeholder meetings or integrated assessments. 

Regenerate Christchurch welcomes approval of Regeneration Plan

23 August 2019.

Regenerate Christchurch welcomes the decision by the Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration to approve the Regeneration Plan for the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor(external link).

Chief Executive Ivan Iafeta says it is a significant milestone for Christchurch, with the plan not only reflecting the important history and heritage of the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor but also setting out a bold aspirational vision for its future.

“Extensive community engagement informed the development of the vision of the river connecting us together - with each other, with nature and with new possibilities which are genuinely exciting. The Green Spine will connect the central city to New Brighton with a mix of recreational, commercial and community uses. And the opportunity to create an exemplar of climate change response that will benefit people and countries around the world will further enhance Christchurch’s national and international point of difference.”

Avon Loop work to get underway later this year 

5 August 2019.

Artist impression of Avon Loop

Work on the final section of Te Papa Ōtākaro/Avon River Precinct is expected to get underway later this year with Ōtākaro Limited completing the design for the ‘Avon Loop’, and issuing a Request for Tender for construction.

The Avon Loop(external link) is the section of Oxford Terrace between Kilmore Street and Fitzgerald Avenue. The area has been closed to traffic for many years due to earthquake damage, and most of the properties have been removed.

“The Loop has become incredibly popular with pedestrians and dog walkers, and this work will make the area a safer, more pleasant place to be,” says Ōtākaro Chief Executive, John Bridgman.

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Our Space 2018-2048 – planning for growth across Greater Christchurch 

14 June 2019.

The Greater Christchurch Partnership has endorsed Our Space 2018 -2048: Greater Christchurch Settlement Pattern Update Whakahāngai O Te Hōrapa Nohoanga [PDF, 2.5 MB] outlining how the region will support future housing and business growth for an expected population increase of 150,000 people.

The update sits within the Urban Development Strategy and looks out 30 years to 2048 to ensure we are planning ahead and considering the steps we need to take now to sustainably manage growth.  It focuses on how land use, or development, integrates with planned transport investments to encourage a significant mode shift to public transport, walking and cycling.

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SH74 Marshland to Burwood safety improvements

5 April 2019.

NZTA digger

Work on the $2.5 million upgrade to State Highway 74 between Innes Road and Burwood Road is going well and is on track to be finished in June. 

Higgins Contractors have widened the road shoulders and installed side barriers down the high-risk stretch of road.

Over the next two weeks they will lay asphalt, then begin to put flexible road safety barriers down the middle of the road to help prevent head-on crashes.

Contractor secured for Metro Sports Facility

28 March 2019.

Metro Sports Facility

Construction of the Metro Sports Facility will get underway in May with Ōtākaro Limited awarding a $221m contract for the construction of the facility to CPB Contractors Limited.

Ōtākaro Limited Chief Executive, John Bridgman, says construction is expected to be completed late in 2021.

“As the largest sports and recreation venue of its kind in New Zealand, the Metro Sports Facility will play an important part in Christchurch’s regeneration. It will give everyone the opportunity to get active and bring national and international competitions to the city."

Draft plan for the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor delivered

11 March 2019.

Regenerate Christchurch has completed the draft regeneration plan for the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor - the culmination of significant collaboration with the community and partner agencies to establish a long-term vision for the area.

The Crown-Council agency has delivered the plan for decision-making by the Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration, the Hon Dr Megan Woods.

Board Chair Sue Sheldon says it is a significant milestone and a major step towards providing the community with greater certainty about the future of this area. 

New cultural centre for Christchurch

6 February 2019.

Puari Village

Waka tours on the Avon River are set to become a new central city attraction with Ōtākaro Limited divesting the site at 794 Colombo Street(external link) to Ko Tāne, for the development of a $3.5m riverside cultural centre.

Ōtākaro Chief Executive, John Bridgman, says it’s an ideal site for the Ko Tāne venture given how close it is to known visitor destinations like the City Promenade, Te Pae, Victoria Square and the Town Hall.

“The City Promenade has proved a hit since we opened it in November but it’s the private developments like this, that sit alongside it, that will make it a true asset for Christchurch.”

2018 news

Canterbury Wellbeing Index

Canterbury Wellbeing Index logo

28 November 2018.

The new Canterbury Wellbeing Index(external link) brings together high-quality information about community wellbeing in Christchurch City, Selwyn District and Waimakariri District in a new online format.

As well as drawing from the data of many different local and national agencies, the Index incorporates information from the 2018 Canterbury Wellbeing Survey which was completed by nearly 3,000 randomly selected greater Christchurch residents in April and May 2018.

The survey report is now also available on the Community and Public Health website(external link).  

Visit the Canterbury Wellbeing Index website (external link)

Public notification of Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor Draft Regeneration Plan

OARC image

9 November 2018.

Regenerate Christchurch will publicly notify the draft Regeneration Plan for the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor (OARC) from 14 November and will accept written comments up to and including 19 December.

It will be the last public engagement required under the Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act ahead of the draft plan being finalised.

Chief Executive Ivan Iafeta says: “We appreciate that the end of the year is a busy time, and we want community groups and organisations that might be interested in providing comments to know this is coming up, so they are organised when the draft plan is notified.”

Our Space 2018-48 – planning for growth across Greater Christchurch 

31 October 2018.

The Greater Christchurch Partnership has approved a draft settlement pattern update outlining how the region will support future housing and business growth for an expected population increase of 150,000 people.

Our Space 2018-48 will go out for public consultation throughout November.

The draft update sits within the Urban Development Strategy and focuses on how land use, or development, integrates with transport. It reflects the transformational changes proposed for the region’s public transport system outlined in the draft Regional Public Transport Plan.

The Partnership comprises Christchurch, Selwyn and Waimakariri councils, Environment Canterbury, iwi, Canterbury District Health Board and other public agencies. The collaboration recognises the interconnectedness of urban areas and transport networks across Greater Christchurch. 

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Metro Sports Facility groundworks underway

31 August 2018.

Work to prepare the Metro Sports Facility site for construction is now underway. 

March Menard Joint Venture has today begun installing the first of around 8000 in-ground stone columns to prepare the site for main construction work to begin in 2019.

Ōtākaro Limited Chief Executive, John Bridgman says work will ramp up throughout the year.

“March Menard JV will place about a dozen stone columns over the next week then test these, before beginning full scale installation around the start of October.

Initial public consultation is now open on the Selwyn District Plan 

30 August 2018.

Selwyn District Council is kicking off initial public consultation on the review of its current District Plan.

The District Plan is essentially the district’s rule book on how land can be used and developed. The Council is undertaking the review to make sure it’s still fit for purpose and up to date with any relevant changes that have happened since the last Plan was notified. All Councils are required to review their District Plan every 10 years.

This week the Council has released draft changes to a range of topics in the Plan for public feedback. Feedback can be provided online, at drop-in sessions during August/September, or by email or post. Feedback is open until 5pm on Monday 8 October.

For more information and details on consultation visit link)

Oxford Gap roadworks starting soon – road temporarily closed

30 April 2018.

Work to transform Oxford Gap, a short section of Oxford Terrace between the Christchurch Hospital and new Outpatients building, starts on 7 May 2018.

This will see the 117-metre section of Oxford Terrace between Tuam and Antigua Streets closed from May to December, weather permitting. 

When constructed, the Gap will form a shared space drop-off and pick-up area for the Health Precinct and will connect to Te Papa Ōtākaro/Avon River Precinct.

Regenerate Christchurch announces a public exhibition

24 April 2018.

Regenerate Christchurch has confirmed details of its public exhibition of the refined shortlist of potential land uses for the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor Regeneration Area.

This includes the area previously known as the residential red zone.

The “Red Zone Futures” exhibition will run from Saturday 26 May to Saturday 30 June 2018 at 99 Cashel St in Cashel Mall. 

There will also be an online exhibition and mobile exhibitions at public spaces around Greater Christchurch.

Location plan approved for Rolleston town centre

15 March 2018.

Selwyn District Council has approved a plan outlining the broad location of key elements in the proposed new Rolleston Town Centre.

The Bulk and Location Plan for the town centre, to be developed on what is currently part of Rolleston Reserve, determines at a high level where the various elements of the proposed town centre should be located.

The town centre includes four key components – the new Rolleston Library and Community Centre, a town square, a commercial and retail area including food and beverage outlets, and transportation and service linkages.

It is based on the Rolleston Town Centre Master Plan, adopted in 2014, and has also been informed by community views, including consultation late last year on the proposed library and community centre.

Mr Reid says the next stage, now that the general locations have been decided, will be to begin detailed designs for the key elements. The first major project will be the new library and community centre – a 2,200 square metre facility which is planned to be opened in late 2019. 

Car-sharing service sparks high-powered buzz

15 February 2018.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Mayor Lianne Dalziel have officially launched Christchurch’s first fully battery-powered electric car-sharing service.

The Christchurch City Council initiated, researched and developed the car-sharing service, which is the first of its kind in New Zealand.

The Council, the Ara Institute, Aurecon, Beca, the Canterbury District Health Board, Chapman Tripp, Christchurch International Airport, Environment Canterbury, Jacobs, Meridian Energy, Tonkin and Taylor, and Warren and Mahoney are the foundation members of the scheme, which is being run for them by Yoogo Share.

Read more(external link)

2017 news

Christchurch gets a new park for Christmas

19 December 2017.

Rauora Park, the new public space at the heart of the East Frame, will be open for the public to enjoy from Tuesday, 19 December.

 The 660-metre-long park covers five blocks between Manchester and Madras Streets and has been delivered by Ōtākaro Limited on behalf of the Crown.

 “There’s no better present for the Garden City than a whole new park,” says Ōtākaro Limited Chief Executive Albert Brantley. 

Feedback shows strong support for ecological restoration and recreation

19 December 2017.

Regenerate Christchurch today published all feedback on possible land uses for the 602-hectare Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor regeneration area. 

From October 6 to November 6, 1,866 people and groups gave feedback on 10 possible combinations of land uses for the regeneration area, which is almost four times the size of Hagley Park and includes the former residential red zone.

The most common feedback themes were ecological restoration, residential development (including the proposed golf course land swap), recreation (including flatwater and whitewater facilities), visitor attractions and productive land uses, says Chief Executive Ivan Iafeta. 

Read more(external link)

Greater Christchurch Partnership working agreement with One Voice - Te Reo Kotahi

11 December 2017.

The Greater Christchurch Partnership Committee recently endorsed a working agreement with One Voice - Te Reo Kotahi(external link) (OVTRK). This agreement [PDF, 62 KB] outlines the commitments the Partnership and OVTRK will make to each other to support the implementation of the UDS Vision and OVTRK Kaupapa.

The working agreement acknowledges the critical role Third Sector Organisations play in supporting the economic, social, cultural and environmental wellbeing of greater Christchurch, and recognises the role OVTRK can plan in providing a conduit for meaningful conversations with Third Sector Organisations in developing and implementing strategy and policy. 

Afternoon opening confirmed for SH1 north of Kaikoura on 15 December

7 December 2017.

The NZ Transport Agency has confirmed that SH1 north of Kaikoura will open during the afternoon of Friday 15 December, connecting the coastal corridor for the first time since November 2016.

NZ Transport Agency Earthquake Recovery Manager Tim Crow says that while the re-opening of the road is an exciting time for travellers, the Transport Agency encourages sightseers keen to see the new road to plan a trip for a later date.

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(external link)Five-star hotel planned for Convention Centre precinct

1 December 2017.

Ōtākaro Limited has confirmed its plans for a premium, five-star hotel in the Convention Centre precinct.

The hotel is likely to have about 200 rooms and would be situated on the corner of Colombo Street and Cathedral Square.

“This is a prime location,” says Ōtākaro Chief Executive, Albert Brantley. “Having a premium quality hotel adjacent to the Convention Centre will help secure significant business events. Being a 24x7 business, it will also help bring life to Cathedral Square.”

The Convention Centre has been designed with the ability to connect to a hotel, which would enable delegates to walk from the hotel lobby directly into the venue.

Two years in two minutes, Christchurch airport intersection’s sculptural transformation

27 November 2017.

New time-lapse footage released today by the NZ Transport Agency shows the dramatic transformation of one of Christchurch’s busiest intersections*, condensing two years of construction into a two-minute video.

The footage uses time lapse photography to show the process that turned the Memorial Avenue/Russley Road roundabout into the new Memorial Avenue Gateway Bridge, complete with 27 metre high ‘gateway arches’. 

The video was released today, along with similar footage showing the Harewood Roundabout being enlarged and the new Southern Airport Access being constructed, both also key parts of the Russley Road Upgrade.

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Christchurch’s Western Belfast Bypass - all lanes now open

15 November 2017.

All four lanes of Canterbury’s new Western Belfast Bypass are now open to traffic, the NZ Transport Agency says.

The Western Belfast Bypass is a new four-lane, 5km stretch of highway. Bypassing Belfast, it extends the Christchurch Northern Motorway (SH1) and connects into State Highway 1 (SH1) Johns Road, west of The Groynes entrance. 

The final lane opened to traffic earlier today (Wednesday). An 80km per hour speed restriction is in place along the route to allow the project team to carry out final road marking and clear the site of road cones and temporary signs.

Read more(external link)

More than 1,800 responses to options for regeneration area’s future

15 November 2017.

Regenerate Christchurch will consider 1,871 responses from people and groups as it refines options for the future use of the regeneration area.

Over four weeks, people provided feedback on 10 possible combinations of land uses for the 602-hectare Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor Regeneration Area, and extensive supporting information.

With this stage of feedback now closed, Regenerate Christchurch Chief Executive Ivan Iafeta says the organisation greatly appreciates the level of interest and passion that Cantabrians have shown for the area from Barbadoes Street to Bexley, and would like to thank everyone who responded for the effort they made to review the information and provide their thoughts. 

Read more(external link)

More Western Belfast Bypass lanes set to open to traffic

7 November 2017.

The NZ Transport Agency has released new drone footage(external link) of Christchurch’s Western Belfast Bypass, including shots of the recent open day, as crews prepare to open more lanes of the new road this month.

The Western Belfast Bypass is a new four-lane, 5km stretch of highway. Bypassing Belfast, it extends the Christchurch Northern Motorway (SH1) and connects into State Highway 1 (SH1) Johns Road, west of The Groynes entrance. 

Traffic is being switched onto the new bypass in stages, following the open day on Sunday October 29, which attracted around 10,000 people.

Read more(external link)

(external link)Russley Road Open Day: a chance to view the gateway arches

6 November 2017.

The entire Russley Road Upgrade will open to traffic this month and to celebrate, the NZ Transport Agency is inviting people to an open day on top of Christchurch’s new Memorial Avenue Gateway Bridge.

The open day will be held on top of the bridge, right underneath the 27-metre-high ‘gateway arches’ on Saturday, 11 November. It will run from 10am until 2pm.

Due to limited space on the bridge, people will need to register online(external link) to get free tickets and book a time slot to attend. Each free ticket will go into the draw to win a helicopter ride with Garden City Helicopters. 

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(external link)Christchurch Convention Centre construction underway

4 November 2017.

Construction is underway on the Christchurch Convention Centre with the first concrete being poured for the foundation.

“This is a welcome step in Christchurch’s regeneration. The design of the Convention Centre will make it a standout feature in the central city, and today we start bringing it to life,” says Ōtākaro Limited Chief Executive Albert Brantley.

Kaikoura State Highway 1 South: five-day closure next week, another one to come 20 November

2 November 2017.

A reminder for those travelling to and from Kaikoura next week that a full five-day closure will be in place on State Highway 1, south of Kaikoura, between Peketa and Goose Bay from Monday, 6 November to Friday, 10 November.

Local drive-throughs will take place at the usual times each day during the closure.

“The inland road, Route 70, via Waiau, remains open 24/7 as a good alternative route to Kaikoura,” says Tresca Forrester, North Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery (NCTIR) Journey Manager. “The current journey time is three hours between Christchurch and Kaikoura on both routes.

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Progressing the Sustainable Development Goals through Health in All Policies: Case studies from around the world

30 October 2017.

WHO and the Government of South Australia published the Case Study Book on Health in All Policies (HiAP), which describes experiences from around the world in the context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. 

This book includes a case study on Applying a Health in All Policies approach to the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy: the experience to date in Canterbury, New Zealand.

The case study book documents experiences, capturing important elements of HiAP practice through an analysis of established and emerging models. The book is aimed at the international community and the broader sustainable development network. It will be of interest to those who want to know more about implementing HiAP.

Stay focussed, choose the correct lane, as Christchurch’s Western Belfast Bypass starts opening to traffic

30 October 2017.

Thousands of Cantabrians yesterday took the opportunity to walk, run and cycle the region’s newest stretch of motorway before it opens to traffic.

The NZ Transport Agency’s Western Belfast Bypass open day was held on Sunday from 10am until 2pm, giving people the chance to check out the new highway before it opens to traffic in stages from tomorrow (Tuesday, October 31).

Bypassing Belfast, the new four-lane stretch of highway extends the Christchurch Northern Motorway and connects into State Highway 1 Johns Road, west of The Groynes entrance.

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Explore the Western Belfast Bypass: open day Sunday, 29 October 2017 

20 October 2017.

The NZ Transport Agency is inviting people to walk, run and cycle on the 4km long bypass before it opens to traffic in stages from early November.

Transport Agency Principal Project Manager Geoff Griffiths says the community open day will run from 10.00am until 2.00pm.

“The open day is a once in a lifetime opportunity to walk, run or cycle on the new highway before it opens to traffic,” he says. 

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Developer for 224 Cashel Street confirmed

20 October 2017.

Ōtākaro Limited has selected Studio D4, led by Patrick Fontein, as the preferred developer for the building at 224 Cashel St (former IRD building) and the Cashel Chambers and carpark. 

Ōtākaro Limited Chief Executive Albert Brantley says Mr Fontein’s projects, including the Vodafone, Kathmandu, Dux Central, Lichfield Lanes and Innovation Carpark developments, have played an integral part in the success of the Innovation Precinct.

“His vision and ability to deliver will ensure this building, at the heart of the East Frame and adjacent to the Innovation Precinct, will be of great benefit to those living and working there.”

Landscaping of CTV site to begin soon

18 October 2017.

Landscaping of the former site of the Canterbury Television (CTV) building will begin next week.

“The site will become a special part of the city – a peaceful place to sit and reflect, with grass and gardens,” says Ōtākaro Limited Chief Executive Albert Brantley.

“The lawn and the three former car parks on the Cashel Street side of the site will be retained. There will be a central grove of cherry trees as well as New Zealand native plants and international plants to provide variety and colour.”  

Mayor signs resilience pledge

Resilient Greater Christchurch logo

Mayor Lianne Dalziel has formally pledged to introduce a budget that commits at least 10 per cent of Christchurch City Council’s 2017/18 spending to building Christchurch’s resilience.

Mayor Dalziel and 100 Resilience Cities (100RC) Asia-Pacific Associate Director Sam Kernaghan signed the pledge at the official launch of Resilient Greater Christchurch - a plan aimed at ensuring Christchurch and the surrounding towns and districts have the resilience to deal with future challenges.

The pledge will make Greater Christchurch eligible for up to US$5 million worth of goods and services from the 100RC that can be used to help it achieve its resilience goals. 

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(external link)Strategy update 2016

After the upheaval and recovery of the last five years, an update of the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy has been completed. 

The updated Strategy focuses on people - both those already living in Greater Christchurch, and the generations to come - and their social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing. It draws on recent strategic work and consultation, and integrates recent resilience work.

The updated Strategy guides the work of the UDS Partnership until a more thorough review of the UDS is undertaken, within the next few years.

Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy Update - He Rautaki Whakawhanake-ā-tāone mō Waitaha 2016 [PDF, 7.6 MB]